September Bite Size Block

What am I forgetting?

September2015BiteSizeBlockI’ve got three lists. Got the camp gear, food, directions, tickets, batteries, check. I gave instructions to the boys and Grammy, check. Left money for their groceries and adventures, check. I sent in my invoice for work, watered the plants, filled the pool, check.

What am I forgetting?

Balanced the checkbook, paid the bills due while we’re gone, check. Filled the car with gas, checked the brakes, tires and other automotive stuff, check.

What am I forgetting?

Cleaned the house, tidied the yard, fed and watered the dogs. Check, check and check. Okay, we leave at the first crack of dawn…for 10 days. What am I forgetting?

We’re home now but despite the three lists, I forgot a few things. Does that happen to you too? I forgot to fill out the school athletic paperwork for my son’s high school cross country team, plus there was a physical required (thanks Grammy for taking care of that!).

And I forgot to write my blog. I try to upload the new block on the first of every month. I even had it all ready a week prior to leaving on our vacation. All I had to do was write a quick paragraph and hit upload. Well, I remembered on September 1 but I was in the middle of a Nevada desert wilderness that had spotty cell and text coverage. No internet. None. Just blowing dust and a bunch of crazy campers.

It is very nice to be home where I can finally complete the things I forgot. This month’s Bite Size block is a breeze compared to last month’s teeny tiny Half Square Triangles! Download the instructions to make this pretty block ILoveUsYearRound.InsidePgs28-29 (Sorry, free download expired. Please purchase I Love Us pattern to get the instructions). You can also join me this coming Sunday, September 13 from 1-5pm to make this block. I will be teaching the many different techniques in making Half Square Triangles so don’t pre-cut your fabrics if you’re coming to class. If you have Lynn Wilder’s Patchwork Math Using Quilting Design Components book, bring it with you. If you don’t, it isn’t required for class, but I will be showing you what a gold mine her book is. It is definitely one you’ll want as a resource in your personal Quilting Library.

Can you believe I also forgot that it was my dear husband’s 50th birthday the day after we returned from our trip? He turns 50 on the 8th! I don’t know why I didn’t realize there wasn’t more time between our return and Mike’s birthday!  Perhaps I needed a fourth list. Fortunately, his birthday wish was a family trip to Old Sacramento and the train museum. Quick calls to the boys and it is all arranged.

Now… what else am I forgetting?

