Living in a Haze

Some days I can see clearer than others. Lately I’ve been living in a haze. Literally. The air quality in the Bay Area has been.. cough, cough, thick… to say the least. But none of that compares the trauma the victims of the recent Camp Fire are experiencing.

We were in Sacramento this past weekend at the River City Quilters’ Guild show. Look how much fun we were having.

As we are working like crazy, helping customers, doing demos, etc., I came aware of few friends talking… “Oh my God, the pattern is called Living in the Moment.” The other friend inhales a quick breath and says, “I have to have this!” She was a survivor of Paradise. Her home and all her treasures were lost in the fire. She was staying with friends and earlier had shared with them that she was living moment by moment. She had so much to process. She was living in a haze. Living in the moment was how she was coping.

She thought our pattern was beautiful. The houses represent community and in the psychology of color, teal blues represent peace and lime green, new growth — all the things she was needing.


I am seeing clearer today. The haze has been very effective in giving me insight. I am well, my family is well, my home and ‘stuff’ are safe. I am feeling very thankful and blessed. Please continue to pray for the people affected by the California fires. There are lots of families living in a haze. I can’t imagine how difficult it is trying do deal with their losses.

We ask for continued prayers of protection for our firefighters too! This is a picture of Lora’s nephew, Christopher taking a break from fighting the fires. Thank you Christopher. And a huge thank you to all the firefighters and first responders. We are so grateful for your hard work.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
